Home sweet home

Colour coordinated curtains, canvas walls, an imperfectly spilling warm blanket, an overwhelming doggie, an oversized fluffy teddy on a low couch, a windchime sustaining excited unicorns, cosmos stickers on the ceiling, a collection of fancy headphones and stereo systems and probably no televisions would do. No mansions please, not many servants needed or probably none? No human neighbors I petition, no visitors expected, can I keep a Lil’ beer though for sanity? And instant noodles? I love them. My mom cursed me every time, I had them… “Save thy stomach” mode? You should have saved me instead. My tummy lives in this house as long as I. Haha. Nevermind.
Leaves of all seasons, decent dust, birdie’s and squirrel friends always invited. Hey, can we have a little snowfall in the backyard just in case? Cotton balls would do, I volunteer to help put up a convincing setup. I hope the local sun and rain live in a treaty, alright? And the clouds, I hope to see the ones with the silver lining. Anyway, surprises and thunderstorms consented merrily.
Trespassing babies and kids would be keenly entertained. Candies, goodies, a ton of love and attention promised to be served promptly. There would be this small porch, some wooden stairs to hold me, leading to, “a not too small” patch of tender bright green grass, decorated every morrow by the obediently visiting fog. A tree giving away flowers of pastel colors, one fat kind of tree to hug tight, to hang on when heavy. A mud pit in the vicinity and a puddle port for my paper boat rides in the rain.
What price do I owe you mighty, to find me my home? No, not the price for luxury, the price for peace. Or we can compromise with no roofs at all? Or even no walls? Just non-sticky damp soil, ladybirds tickling my fingers to wake me up, some lush green beneath to rest my head, the stars and the sunshine to talk to in bed. My feet need rest from this choice of the journey… Home sweet home, Have I found you yet?


PC: Himanshu Goel(@lighthouse_foodie)

9 thoughts on “Home sweet home

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  1. Awesome ❤
    What about a white horse n a silly young guy to feed it who can be bear sometimes just to pass your time 😅

    Liked by 1 person

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